ZonaHub is a classified ads site for students living on campus and off campus to advertise, market, purchase or sell their goods/properties to real individuals.

The main aim of Zonahub is to help businesses in the school environment especially student-owned businesses (on-campus and off-campus) to flourish. We achieve this by running targeted ads (promotion) on Facebook, Instagram and relevant platforms free of charge. However, there are some terms and conditions before a business can be prompted via the aforementioned.

Conditions for Free Promotion On Facebook

  1. Register and post the product or service you render.
  2. The posted listing must contain at least one image of good quality.
  3. You must be a student or have a business near the campus.
  4. Share the listing on your social media account.
  5. Send the proof of identification to zonahubads@gmail.com or on Whatsapp
  6. Once verified, We will promote it within 72 hours of the request to thousands of local buyers.

Sounds easy right? Start now!


How to sell on ZonaHub?

1. Registration

The initial step is to Register utilizing your email.
Ensure you’re entering the right details, so your  customers/purchasers can get in touch with you


2. Make great quality pictures of your item.

Posting an advert with great and clear quality photograph pixels best depicts your things. Ensure they show subtleties of the thing you wish to publicize plainly and in the best light to draw in more buyers in the most ideal manner conceivable.


3. Press POST AD.

  • Choose a proper category/subcategory for your items, and upload good-quality photos of the ad.
  • Enter a fair reasonable price.
  • Select attributes, and write a clear title and a detailed description of your item.
  • Click post ad, your advert will be sent for

How to buy on ZonaHub?

1. Search for your desired item.

Find your ideal need in the search palette and filters or under the categories and trending section. We have many adverts, pick precisely what you are searching for.

2. Contact a vendor.

You may use the chat function or call them directly via the telephone. Examine every one of the
subtleties in detail, negotiate shrewdly about the cost until you’re satisfied with the price of the commodity.

3. Take your item or order a delivery.

We check our merchants cautiously and regularly, yet it’s in every case better to double-check. Isn’t that so? Meet a seller in a public place or an open spot and be sure to pay only after collecting your item.

4. Leave your feedback about the merchant.

Don’t hesitate to enlighten us regarding your transaction. Your criticism will be distributed online on the merchant’s page and will be extremely useful for different purchasers. How about we fabricate a sheltered and expert network community together?

Safety tips

How to sell safely?

  • Try to take the full payment at the time of the delivery. Remember to use a safe location to meet.
  • Watch out for fake currency and money orders. Be aware that banks will not honor fake
    currency/money orders and will hold you responsible for it.
  • Verify the buyer’s credentials if there is a request for bulk order. Ask the buyer to provide a
    photo ID and proof of address.
  • Ensure that your product meets the features you listed in your ad to avoid any misunderstanding
    with the buyer.
  • Do not share your financial information except the one required for payment.

How to buy safely?

  • Always meet the seller at a safe location and inspect the item before purchasing it. Following this one rule will help you avoid most scams. This is also true for house rentals as well.
  • Watch out for unrealistic offers. If it appears too good to be true, it probably isn’t. Unrealistic offers are used to motivate purchasers to make hasty decisions.
  • The best way to transact is to collect the item and pay at the same time. Never transfer funds or use a debit card to pay someone you do not know before collecting an item.
  • Always insist on clear and correct information on the condition of the item, price, payment, and delivery method.
  • Use only those payment methods that you trust and are familiar with. Never give out your financial information.
  • It is recommended to purchase items directly from the seller.
  • In the case of electronic goods and bikes, you should test the functioning of the item before purchase.
  • Do your research on comparative prices for the product.

Sell like a specialist!

1. Focus on the details and subtleties of the advert.

Make great photographs of your products, compose clear titles, better make the description have a nitty-gritty portrayal.

2. Reply to prospective clients quickly, rapidly, and efficiently.

Try not to make your purchaser hang tight for your message for a long period of time. Be on the web or get SMS notices on your messages.

How to get more attention from prospective clients/buyers?

There are three ways you can get more customers, which means more attention:

1. Post great deals that make buyers want to tell their friends about you.

2. You can also invite your friends to Join ZonaHub.

3. In My Ads → Share your Ad with Family & Friends via other Social media platforms like
WhatsApp, Facebook, etc.